Støperiet is Trondheim Frikirke's young adult ministry.
Our vision is to "challenge and equip young adults for a life as disciples of Jesus."
The ministry also holds to Trondheim Frikirke's 3 core values:
We meet every other Wednesday at 19 for teaching, called Input, and small groups meet inbetween Input weeks.
We would like feedback on topics you wish to hear more about. Use this link to submit suggestions and ideas: Topic suggestions
Input evenings include a guest speaker, discussion, and dinner. Guest speakers are often from outside Frikirke and considered experts in their field. The evening begins with dinner (45 kr), followed by a 45-60 minute talk and opportunity for questions and discussion after. Translation is available via zoom.
We have a variety of small groups, English and Norwegian, where we meet and talk together about following Jesus in everyday life. We share some food and then move on to conversation and prayer. Contact us at if you are interested in joining a small group.