January 19. at 11 am we will continue our walk throug the Gospel og John. Ingebrikt Kvam will give the message. Kjell Erik Wennberg will lead the service and Nils Petter Vedvik will lead worship. The kids are welcome to Noah's Ark and E10. Please stay for coffee after the service.
If you want to join a small group, please send an email to kontoret@trondheim.frikirke.no.
Listen to past teachings on our podcast feed here or subscribe on iTunes
Translation: The Sunday services are translated into English on Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting. Wifi: FRIKIRKEN, password: gudergod.
We also have Chinese translation available. Contact the church office if you are interested.
Prayer meeting: We have a prayer meeting before the service, this starts at 10:15. Everybody who wants to attend this is warmly welcome!
The service: The children stay with us for the first part of the service, but leaves for the children’s- and tweens ministry Noah's Ark before the sermon starts. The kids will learn about Jesus through more child-friendly sermons, sing songs, play and participate in different activities which all focus on building friendships. The children’s ministry is a big diverse group of kids from many different nations.
After the service, there will be served coffee, tea and some biscuits and crackers. We hope that this is a place where new relations can be built. Spread across the semester, we have family services, here the whole church is gathered for an all generation service. On some occasions, there will also be an invitation to join an outdoor trip after the service.
Small groups and bible groups
Do you want to join a small group (Norwegian, English or Chinese)? Contact: ole.v.solberg@gmail.com.
Worship song of the week
We have made a list of worship songs for The Chosen that you can find on Spotify
Ordinary people!
You will meet both youth and students, families with small kids, families with teens, adults without kids, single fathers and single mothers, people from 20-40 different nations, construction workers, teachers, tech-people and nurses. In other words: ordinary people.
Easy to follow!
We are blessed with volunteers who will translate our service into English for those of you who do not know the Norwegian language. The lyrics and the prayers will be shown on the wall. In our church, we mostly use piano, guitars, bass and drums in our music and we try to have a worship set with both traditional and new worship songs, some in Norwegian and some in English.
All our preachers will try to preach over topics that we can relate to today. These may be our community and the relationship between humans, how to support and help each other, gossiping, forgiveness. Other themes may be our relationship to God, the Bible, faith, doubt, our future and hope.